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McNary Youth Football Parents:
There has been a lot of quick moving actions by McNary’s AD, Scott Gragg and SKSD to force us to drastically change our youth football rules in order to practice and play games at McNary High School this Fall.
Salem/Keizer School district, led by McNary High School Athletic Director, Scott Gragg, are threatening, as a condition of use of Salem/Keizer School District fields, the banning of 11-man tackle football until the 7th grade. The school district will hold a public hearing at 9AM on Thursday, January 9th, while most parents and players are at work or school and unavailable to make public comment.
These new rules will eliminate tackle football and only allow flag football through the 4th grade and only 7-man Rookie tackle for our 5th and 6th graders. Even though McNary’s AD, and the school district have no authority to change youth football rules, they are using their control of public-school fields to coerce parents and local youth football associations to change their programs. The Tualatin Valley Youth Football League, that our association is apart of, does not agree with these changes and this change would force us to remove ourselves from TVYFL. These changes will only make Salem/Keizer high school football programs even less competitive with Portland area schools than they already are today!
We are asking the school district to reject the OSAA’s ad hoc advisory committee: high school consensus youth football position statement as a conditional requirement for use/rental of SKPS public facilities.
Please call the Salem/Keizer School District and tell the superintendent you oppose these rule changes and ask that they leave youth football alone.
-Salem/Keizer Public School District: 503-399-300
Please be polite.
McNary Youth Football Board